Mafalala Futures is an architectural debate project that seeks to discuss the future development of informal settlements in Maputo, Mozambique and the wider African context. The project outlines three possible future urban development scenarios for the same area in Maputo based on different positions in urban planning discourse. Thereby the project discusses spatial qualities and urban deficiencies of different possible future scenarios. Africa is urbanizing at a rapid pace and the majority of the urban development is informal. There are few examples of successful development of informal urban areas. Mafalala Futures seeks to discuss problems associated with lack of public intervention in informal settlements and current approaches to redevelopment of such urban areas. Finally, the project outlines possible ways to develop informal settlements into sustainable urban neighborhoods, adequate for the socio-cultural norms that define such communities. Hopefully, this project can inspire and provoke discussions contributing to the innovation of adequate models of urban design, housing typologies, and urban development strategies for informal settlements which is vital for the future of African cities.
The project was exhibited at Lima’s Bar in Mafalala (09.06.18-23.06.18).
The project was carried out in collaboration with Remígio Chilaule, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico – Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, KADK – The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation – Institute of Architecture, Urbanism, and Landscape, and Associação IVERCA.